I think I would answer that question by suggesting again that part of the role of the government was to ensure that we pulled off a successful world summit, and that in order for a government to do so, you have to work with local political leaders. You can't just make decisions in Ottawa and thrust them upon a local community. We determined that local input and municipal input would be extremely important.
I did play a coordination role, an interlocutor, perhaps, between the federal government and the local community. I did play that role. I did also believe at the time that part of my role as the local MP was to make sure that the priorities of the local municipalities were in fact well represented in this dialogue between the local community and central agencies such as the Department of Foreign Affairs, for example.
So I did play that coordination role. I played it between the government and the communities, because I was on the ground in my riding, as we all like to be, more often than not.
Certainly that's how I would characterize my role.