I call the meeting to order. This is the 13th meeting of the public accounts committee of Canada.
Obviously we are going to be interrupted; the bells are already going.
Mr. Kramp has a motion/suggestion/recommendation to make. He's getting copies made, so we can hold on that until.... Hopefully those will be available by the time we come back from voting.
We have to address a couple of little things, and then we'll head off to vote. The first is to recognize Mr. Allen, who is not here yet, but Mr. Allen will be replacing Monsieur Caron. Some of you remember Malcolm from the last Parliament. When they started to load me up with other files, he often filled in for me.
Here he is now.
One of the things we need to do is to amend.... I'm hoping we can do this really quickly. To the vice-chairs and the steering committee, I'm sorry that I didn't speak to you ahead of time, but it's a matter of moving a motion that allows Mr. Allen to become a part of the steering committee. Could I just get a motion that the committee agrees that Mr. Allen will be the replacement for Monsieur Guy Caron on the steering committee?