Mr. Chair and members of the committee, thank you for the opportunity to speak to you with respect to chapter 1 of the Auditor General's 2011 Status Report, tabled in June of this year. That chapter is titled Financial Management and Control and Risk Management.
As you know, the Federal Accountability Act and the corresponding action plan were designed to strengthen accountability and transparency in government. The act and the action plan also designated deputy heads as accounting officers responsible for maintaining effective internal controls.
My office supported this plan by strengthening internal controls and financial reporting through the renewal of Treasury Board financial management policies, including a new policy on internal controls. We have also worked closely with the financial management community to support professional development and capacity-building.
Departments and agencies have worked diligently to implement these policies in a timely fashion, thereby strengthening their financial management capacities.
Although there is still work to be done, I am pleased that the Auditor General has recognized the government's significant progress in these areas.
We would now welcome the committee's questions.