Thank you, Chair.
Let me at this time speak on behalf of all reservists in Canada, and I know I certainly speak for a local organization. Of course, I'm from the proud home of the Hasty P’s, who have a tremendous history of participating in this. I guess this is the first new piece of federal pension legislation in 40 years, so we're delighted to see it. Imperfect as it is, at least it's a significant move forward, and we thank you for that.
I'll deal with the triage issue in a subsequent question, but first, the Auditor General has said this is good news and bad news. The good news, of course, as I mentioned, is that we're finally doing something to address the needs here.
There were a number of valid concerns registered by the Auditor General. So, Mr. Fonberg, or whoever feels comfortable responding to this, I'd like to know what you are doing with the recommendations that were put forward. What is the status of your response in dealing with the recommendations? There are a number of them. I don't know if we have time now to go through each and every recommendation, but I would like to be comfortably assured that you're dealing with these issues and are placing a priority on an effective response.