Rather than talk to the progress, sir, why indeed didn't it happen with the F–35s, if you acknowledge that you didn't do full life-cycle costing for the maritime helicopters and the Chinooks and agreed with the AG that you would do it in future projects? Yet you've now come back to me...and let me quote you, sir, from your statement this morning:
I would note that the approach we took for costing the F–35 is exactly the same approach—and the same 20-year timeframe—that has been taken with all our air asset procurements going back at least to 2004: for the maritime helicopter project, the Chinooks, the Hercules J models, and the new C–17 Globemasters.
In each case, announcements and communications focused only on the costs of acquisition and sustainment; never on operating costs.
Sir, in light of your statement today and that in 2010 you accepted the Auditor General's report—and I'm not going to go back and quote the report from the book I have in front of me from 2010—why didn't you do what you said you would do in 2010 with this project?