What's important to note here is that from the outset of this program, the department has asked for information on the three program objectives through quarterly progress reports and annual site visits.
In the early stages, when the companies were just beginning their R and D activities, they provided significant information to us on their statements of work. What technical objectives were they trying to meet? What kind of materials were they using? What kinds of engineers were they using? Were they meeting their deadlines? Was the project on track?
We collected significant information vis-à-vis the project and whether the project was on track. I think that was acknowledged in the Auditor General's report. We also collected information through site visits and quarterly reports on program objectives, although that takes more time to materialize, because it really starts to relate to such issues as commercialization, which starts to happen a little bit later.
We improved the way we collected that information in 2010, which was also recognized by the Auditor General. That's something that we intend to continue.