I can see that you get a better picture, but again, why is it up to the federal government to provide that data when it is largely available through provinces and groups like the OECD to stitch it together? You can find this data out there.
I raise that just because for this to be relevant it has to be honest. The OECD can do that, think tanks can do that. Is there not a concern that if the Government of Canada is reporting on my home province of New Brunswick...they have grave fiscal problems right now. Alberta is facing huge deficits. Are they not responsible for reporting on their own challenges, their own paths forward, their own predictions as opposed to the federal government?
We want our levels of government to be responsible for their jurisdictions and the 10 provinces are responsible. I worry that your suggestion puts the federal government at the supreme level when the federal government is responsible for its jurisdictions, as are the provinces.