I guess there are two parts to an answer to that, and I'll try to stay at the very top level.
One is that we do try to encourage aggregation for service delivery, the creation of health and education authorities, or boards that can pool resources, because they can hire the staff and create the public administration to deal with 5, 10, 15, or 20 first nations at the same time, and they're more likely to have results. It can't really be forced, if they're not willing to work together in a configuration like that. But there's been a lot of progress at the level of tribal councils, which line up somewhat with the political structures of the first nations. And there were comments in the Auditor General's chapter about still having a long way to go, in terms of those on-the-ground service arrangements.
The other is capacity-building. Over about 20 years, every time the government has done something, there's usually been a little bit of money associated with capacity and training to implement the initiative. I think we have close to 30 of those initiatives and institutions around. The problem we have now, I think, is that there are too many of them. They're too scattered and we need to consolidate them and make better use of partnerships with the universities, the professional associations, and other sources of expertise. There's about $600 million going into this area, but I don't think Parliament is getting its full value yet if we don't do some consolidation and renovation in this area.