The short answer is no. The longer answer is that there are a variety of tools that can get you out of parts of the Indian Act, for a variety of purposes.
One of the things that's most important to first nations is to have control over land management and resources, the kinds of things a municipal government would do, that is, local land management decisions. Parliament created the First Nations Land Management Act on that front a few years ago. The breaking news since I was here on Thursday is that we reached an agreement on a new funding formula with the first nations who are running that regime, which will allow us to resolve a bit of an impasse on how much first nations should be contributing out of their own resources once they've gone into land management. We hope to be moving forward another batch of first nations on that very quickly.
You can get self-government arrangements that are limited to child and family services, or to education, as a way of getting out of those parts of the Indian Act. And you can run your own oil and gas revenues. So previous Parliaments have given first nations a number of optional tools, rather than a one-size-fits- all approach for the entire group. We hope to have a few more of these tools available in the coming Parliament.