Right. Thanks, Mr. Ferguson, for that. I think that's a fair-minded response to an issue.
It appears to me that the points that were raised in that particular piece of correspondence, not from just anyone, but from eight agents of Parliament, are still as relevant today as they were when the letter was actually issued, probably three years ago, or two years ago, and haven't been adequately addressed, in the minds of some. I appreciate your frankness in your answer. It just seems quite sensible that we would want to do that, to maximize the ability of Parliament to communicate with these important agents of Parliament, officers of Parliament. So thanks for that.
Finally, because I guess I don't have a huge amount of time, Mr. Chair, are there things you would like to do that you feel constrained in doing because of resources? You are an independent office and you will do as you deem fit and deem best, but of course we all face constraints because of resources. Are there projects or things that you would really like to do, to take the Office of the Auditor General down a new path, if you had the resources to be able to do so?