I now declare this 92nd meeting of the Standing Committee on Public Accounts in order.
Colleagues, you'll note that today we have with us the Auditor General, and Lyn Sachs, assistant auditor general.
Colleagues, our main duty is oversight of government expenses and reviewing the audits of the Auditor General. Today we will be performing our duties as the oversight of the actual department of the Auditor General.
You have the opening comments from Mr. Ferguson, our Auditor General, before you. You will also find the Auditor General's 2011-12 performance report and the report on plans and priorities for 2013-14. We're looking in the past to see what was done last year and we're looking forward to see what is being proposed this year.
When we've concluded our discussions, colleagues, I will have two questions to put to you in terms of estimates votes, to determine whether or not we agree with the estimates that have been tabled by the Auditor General, and then forward that vote to our colleagues in the whole House.
Unless there are any questions as to procedure, I will have us move ahead. I'm not seeing anyone indicate any need to interject, so with that, Mr. Auditor General, I would turn the floor over to you.
Mr. Ferguson, you now have the floor.