I think, sir, as the chair indicated at the beginning, this is a case in point where your action plan may have helped you today. I can't work off an action plan that's not in front of me. As much as I take you at your word, Mr. Bolduc, I really do have to have the document in front of me. You may have been able to walk me through that today, sir, and explain all of your accomplishments that I'm now asking you to try and convince me you have accomplished based on an Auditor General's report. That's the importance of those action plans for us at this table. We need to get those.
I know sometimes departments feel they might be hurtful because they haven't quite got there, but in your case, sir, I think, the action plan would probably have reinforced for us that perhaps you've done more than what the report is indicating to us at this point. We look forward to getting those tomorrow.
One of the other pieces that's on page three of the Auditor General's report—