As of this morning, 74% of all the records of employment that we received were in fact done online. We have just launched ROE web online, which is a registration system that allows employees to register online so that they do not need to come in to Employment and Social Development Canada. The goal, of course, is to have 100%. There are barriers, though, to reaching this goal.
One of the issues we're having is software compatibility. Some companies do not have the software that allows ROE registration, so we are working with that. It's the payroll service providers actually who have a paper ROE process, and it's a payer online ROE business model that is in fact paper, not online. Also, some payroll systems are not compatible with our ROE web, and it's a very high investment for those companies to adapt their ROE to our ROE web.
What we also find is that there are some who just do not want to enrol online. One of the solutions could be something that makes it a mandatory process for them to apply online, yes.