Perhaps I can just start with the way that the inspection process is looked at. We do look at factors. There are three basic components.
One component is proactive, functional program inspections where we look at the sampling process and go out to sample and surveil across the industry to see where we're finding some non-compliance issues that may indicate a higher risk. We do that sampling on a regular basis all through the year as part of the elements of what we plan to inspect.
The second part is responses. That's where you get a complaint, you get an issue raised. We have very good relationships with the unions as well as the companies themselves, so we will get information through that. We'll get information from the U.S., etc. So that is built in as part of the plan to do inspections, to address those issues.
Then, finally, there are the actual emerging issues that arise from an incident or an accident and something that needs to be addressed.
So all of those things feed in. That tells you where we should focus, where the higher risk inspection priority should be. There are other factors that come in from the regional inspectors, such as if there's a major change in the company, if there's a major change in the operation, in the way that they operate, the area where they operate, they're going into new territory, those kinds of things. There are many factors like that.