First, the grade-crossing regulations are an obvious longstanding issue that is finally moving to resolution, so that is obviously progress.
The regulations on the railway operating certificate are a complement to the coming into force of the new Railway Safety Act in the spring of 2013. In the same vein, they will basically give the minister the ability to revoke the operations of a railway, say, in the case of failure to meet safety standards.
We also have regulations regarding improvements to the SMS regulations, again aligned with the coming into force of the Railway Safety Act last spring. We have administrative monetary penalty regulations, which will finally give the department graduated enforcement tools in the railway safety area, as opposed basically to a system of fining.
We also have the regulations regarding our ability to mandate the collection of data from the railways to populate the data systems that are required to implement and to complete the risk assessments and the other elements that are underpinning some of the recommendations of the Auditor General.