Thank you.
It certainly establishes that there is some room to make some improvement and there are definitely weaknesses.
My other question again comes from chapter 8. It deals directly with paragraph 8.48. It deals with the labour market data. You indicated in your report that there was a panel report from 2009 that highlighted the issues with better local data on job vacancies by occupation and location. You also noted that the government had still not fully addressed a shortfall in the five years since your report was made public. I guess because of that you also went on to say that it's still not possible to determine where job vacancies are located in a province or territory.
I guess my question is this. What impact do you think this would have on the government's labour market opinion for specific regions if they don't have local job data to start with in the first place? We're dealing with an issue in the country right now with regard to temporary foreign workers, and it's all coming back to data and what labour market information we would have available to us to be able to make the best decisions.
I guess I'm looking at what you've indicated in this report, and very glaringly it's telling me that we have a huge gap here. I guess I'd like to know how it impacts on other programs that we're currently funding inside the federal government.