And it's already been raised. It has to do with comments that were made in chapter 1 and chapter 3 with regard to not being able to access the information that you were looking for. It's quite obvious that because you did not have the information, you were not able to make appropriate conclusions with regard to those particular sections.
They say this is cabinet-protected because of cabinet privacy issues, or whatever the case may be. Is there a way around that for your office? You have a huge responsibility to Canadians when you look at how moneys are being spent inside the government. You need to be able to do appropriate audits and make appropriate recommendations as to whether it's been done properly. Without information, however, that's very difficult to do.
Is there a way to obtain information that could be deemed cabinet secrecy by departments but not necessarily deemed cabinet secrecy, through another avenue or forum? Here I guess I would be referring to the court system.