It's partly about overall diversification strategy in infrastructure as an asset class. We call it a real return asset. It has less volatility than equities do, and it is very much linked to inflation. It is very attractive in an asset mix, in a pension plan, because of its attributes. Not only is it linked to a real return asset like inflation, but it's also a private asset, so you capture what we call an illiquidity premium.
There are not many investors who have the capacity to invest in these types of assets, because they are big-ticket items. We've done transactions of over a billion dollars. It's a less competitive environment, and less crowded. We're able to invest in these assets and hold them for a long term because of our liquidity advantage. We don't have to sell assets or pay out liabilities before the year 2030. For instance, we've made major investments not only in infrastructure, but in renewable resources, in forests, where the holding period for those investments are well over 10 years.
These are assets that will not necessarily provide 20%-plus returns. They will provide stable returns. They are less volatile and basically fit well in an asset mix in the diversification strategy because of their attributes.