Thank you.
Welcome back to our witnesses.
Ms. Cheng, I'm following up on my question to you from our last meeting, which seems like a long while ago. In your answer to me we agreed that the returns we were hearing about in this pension program, or series of pension programs, was pretty strong. But I notice that in your early chapters of this report, in paragraphs 1.11 and 1.12, you talk about “strong volatility and a prolonged period of very low interest rates” and about how the “longevity of Canadians has increased” and some of those issues.
From the perspective of our pension plans, are you finding, or do some of your colleagues have any information, that what we are experiencing is common globally, let's say, or throughout the world, in other areas where you might be able to compare like plans? Do we have any data as to how we compare with others in terms of our productivity?