We take that into account.
From the very inception of the Labour Force Survey in the 1940s, reserves were not included in that study, which generates figures on employment, mainly because of the cost. In light of the sample we have currently, we could not publish data on reserves. The population concerned is 300,000 to 400,000 people for all of Canada. Even if we included those people, this would not change our estimates in a significant way.
However, the number of reservations and their geographic isolation would mean that the costs would be major for Statistics Canada. It would also be very difficult to publish that data and keep it as up-to-date as the other data we publish at this time. In the past, we used to measure the employment rate in reserves through census data. We now do so with the National Household Survey every five years. This allows labour market analysts to quite precisely assess gaps in participation in the labour market between the reserves and the surrounding census divisions.