I have a couple of comments when you're looking at the lapses.
Parliament votes money in three different votes. It's an antiquated system, but it's operating, capital, and grants and contributions.
If I recall correctly, the lapse at Fisheries and Oceans was around capital. They had delays in projects, and so the money is sliding and is re-profiled.
I haven't seen this memo so I'm speculating here, Mr. Chair, but when you're looking at bringing on additional staff, that's operating dollars. So we hold departments to account. They cannot exceed any one of those votes.
If they want to move money between a capital vote and an operating vote, they have to come to Parliament.
So it's not a global total. You can't just say the Department of Fisheries lapsed x. You have to understand the lapse. If I recall correctly, their operating lapse was fairly small. I think the lapse is capital money.