All the compliance reviews we have done since 2011 look at whether or not the subsidy has been passed on and they come to a conclusion about whether it's been passed on or not.
The issue that the Auditor General has pointed out is that the underlying work to substantiate that conclusion is not always evident. I've got one here. It's done by Samson and Associates, so I think that's the contractor on that one. If you look online you can find the contractor for each one.
The beginning is passing on the subsidy; they've been asked to verify the recipient's passing on the value of the subsidy. The review concludes that the recipient is passing on the value of the subsidy to the purchaser of eligible nutrition north in that case. In some other cases they're finding there's not enough data for them to reach that conclusion. The Auditor General has pointed out to us that we need to reinforce and make it absolutely clear that they have to keep the information, that they have to provide it, and we have that specific now in our contribution agreement and in our contracts with the auditors.