I noticed that in the actual report itself, on pages 6-7, it talks about the strategy in 2011, then there's 2012, and then there's 2013. It talks about 2014, some mileposts, if you will, around we did this, or we did that, or we tried to do this. Then in paragraph 1.34 it talks about the agri-food sector, the agencies, and the partners, and it reads:
It has not yet been determined whether and how the health and agri-food sectors will work together.
Certainly health has multiple partners. We have a health ministry federally in this country, which Public Health falls into, as well as an agri sector in this country that has a federal piece, albeit provincial. Is there any consensus in this audit, Mr. Auditor General, around the sense that at least the federal departments are on the same page when it comes to antimicrobials?