Thank you for the question.
The replacement of that system is actually twofold. One is within the CBSA's control, and it's the lookout database that we talked about earlier. The other aspect is for our officers in the ports of entry to use GCMS, the global case management system, deployed and managed by CIC. In this case, we are using what's called FOSS right now. When you scan your passport it goes to the database called FOSS, and that's what we're decommissioning. FOSS is currently doing the two systems.
We had to agree as to what would be done in GCMS, so in the CIC system, and what had to be done and developed by CBSA. It's not an incremental cost, in that if we hadn't done it—in this case we decided to do it—then CIC would have had to do it.
The disagreement had to do with who was to do it, not the cause of an overrun. The $2.3 million was the licence for the FOSS vendor, the legacy vendor. The decision would have been to carry it on anyway because of the rollout plan that we deployed. In other words, there was no way that we would have been able to turn off FOSS as a back-up system in December 2013 as originally planned.
It was not really an incremental cost.