Thank you very much, Mr. Chair.
I want to welcome the witnesses and thank them for joining us.
First of all, I have an observation I'd like to make. Over the last several years, the Government of Canada has been implementing very robust security measures at border points and at the same time implementing the most historically robust trade alignment of Canada in our history with trade agreements all around the world. I can't imagine how challenging that is for border services. On top of that, I happen to know, coming from the Kitchener-Waterloo area, how quickly information technology is progressing. Every six months there are new opportunities available. So you have your work well cut out for you.
I know from your opening comments, Ms. Weber, that you're well aware of that, and that the flow of goods, addressing threats, and examining the corridor between our nations around the world are top of mind for you.
I wonder if you could start us off by giving us an overview and an update on the implementation of two, or perhaps three, of the larger IT projects you are currently undertaking in order to keep our borders safe and secure and to facilitate the free flow of goods and people.