Thank you. I'm glad to be here.
Thank you to our witnesses for appearing today.
When I read the Auditor General's report on the Champlain Bridge, and also the report from your office from last fall regarding the government's climate change plans, I can only come to the conclusion that this bridge, which is one of the largest infrastructure initiatives undertaken by the Government of Canada, is not living up to the government's professed claim that it believes in economic, environmental, and socially sustainable development.
When I read the fall report from your office, Mr. Ferguson, it's clear that Environment and Climate Change Canada was not on track to meet the 2020 emission target and it shifted its focus to the 2030 emission target. In exhibit 1.5 of that same report, it's clear that the government's much-vaunted pan-Canadian framework on clean growth and climate change is not going to get us to Paris. It's not going to get us to 2030.