I am sorry. I wanted to be sure it was the right number.
I would also like to repeat that you were not the serving deputy minister when the pay system was launched, and neither was Mr. Linklater. Neither one of you was in the position at the time.
I see, however, that you have taken a lot of steps and acted in accordance with the recommendations in the auditor general's fall report. You have started to deal with many of these issues.
In the meeting we had with the Clerk of the Privy Council last Tuesday, something struck me. Both Mr. Wernick and Mr. Ferguson agree that the Phoenix system is a failure and they agree on the nature of the failure. However, they do not agree on the ideas of “incomprehensible” and “comprehensible”.
I can see and hear your recommendations and your interpretation of the recommendations you have been given in the auditor general's two reports. I would like to hear your impression. In your view, are the mistakes in preparing, implementing and launching Phoenix comprehensible enough for you to be able to learn lessons on correct those mistakes?