Ms. Lemay, you actually testified that IBM delayed the original testing to allow for further testing and ensure further due diligence. IBM testified in the Senate, yes, they delayed it because the system wasn't ready. Then we end up with, according to Mr. Sorenson, the Gartner report, which is very clearly saying it's not ready. There was a meeting of all the directors general of HR saying it's not ready. We had the CFOs all stating all the problems that they knew from the testing: not ready. This was coming out before you were here; I'll admit that. I guess we should give you a DeLorean and Doc Brown to send you back to the future to answer some of the questions, because we keep asking about stuff, and you weren't here.
What do we put in place to ensure we don't have another situation like this where...? In the summer of 2015, the red flags recognized that wasn't ready, so IBM delayed their testing. The rollout was delayed. We knew back then that it wasn't ready. Also we got into changing government, changing people. All these warning signs were there. We all knew, yet the minister wasn't briefed, apparently. We heard in testimony that PSPC got Gartner well in time, but apparently never passed it on to the minister.
What have we done to change that? Also, how did the minister at the time—and I know they've changed—not know everything that was going on with this? All the signs were there. We all knew.