I don't ask you to believe me. Continue to track us. Continue to look at the result. Do your work as you've been doing it, and I will be doing mine as I've been doing it since I arrived in that department. I am really committed to doing that, and I will take all the energy I have to make it happen, that's for sure. That's the only thing I can tell you.
Judge the results we're already having. As I mentioned, the community well-being index was not bad at the time. It was something that was done in response to questions at the time. What we need is a more comprehensive index. We're working with first nations and we're developing it. That's what we're doing. Paul has been negotiating this over the last years, and it's actually moving in the right direction. I just hope it will continue and we will keep the momentum on this one.
On education, as I mentioned to you, we are now.... You mentioned the underfunding. We have an agreement with first nations on the size of the envelope, on the funding formula. We have now something that is equity with off reserve, as well as dollars for language and culture, and more for kindergarten 4 and 5.
This is progress. Now we need to move to having regional discussions. If we want to exchange data with first nations, if we want to work on improving things, we need to make it meaningful. It has to be done at the level where they will have the capacity to change the system by themselves, and that's where we're going.