You mentioned the measure about money. Money is part of the equation, but it's not the only one.
You need more capacity. There are places where services are not there. The capacity is not there.
As you mentioned, it's not just the education system. You can have a good education system, but if you have kids who are in a community that's in crisis, you may not get a great result. There are other factors that we need to work on. It's a comprehensive approach. It's not just about the education per se.
I would not say we have a system in place that is working well at the moment. The Auditor General mentioned it. It's not necessarily a “one size fits all” approach; it's not necessarily the same solution. We have places where things are going better, but there are places where it's not going well, that's for sure.
Housing is attached to this, too. There are other factors, violence that is attached to this. There are many factors that play on the success, or not, of kids.