You are correct in stating that some of the offences currently tried by summary trial could eventually lead to records that are akin to criminal records. The changes that would be brought by Bill C-77 would ensure that everything that is done by summary hearings doesn't result in penal or criminal consequences.
That will be a sea change. If we go from the summary trial process to the summary hearing process, it will require significant training of all actors within the military justice system. That's something that the office of the judge advocate general and the Canadian Armed Forces did in 1998 when there was a sea change in the military justice system, and we're quite used to doing this. It will be significant. It will need to be deliberate.
As you mentioned previously, it will need to address not only the officers within the Canadian Armed Forces, but all of the disciplinarians—the senior NCOs, the NCMs, everybody who has a role to play, from the person who receives a complaint to the person who leads the investigation, to the person who lays the charges, to the person who finally hears the summary hearing process.