First of all, I want to state that the comments made by the audit team and in the Auditor General’s report point to shortcomings in documenting those decisions.
I want to assure the committee that the Director of Military Prosecutions’ team made those decisions and justified them regularly. As I told you, that is one of their obligations.
The problem that was brought to the attention of the director of military prosecutions, and which is well founded, is that this was not done, or documented, in a strict and systematic way in each case.
The Director of Military Prosecutions reacted immediately to that comment, that observation. He issued directives last summer to make sure that each time a decision is made by one of the prosecutors in a case, it is recorded by the prosecutor assigned to the case.
I also want to draw to the committee’s attention the fact that the Director of Military Prosecutions also completely reviewed the entire group of policies that apply to his prosecutors to make sure that there was an immediate response to the comments and observations made by the Auditor General.
I have the full review of the policies here, in English. I will try to translate it as I read.