If I may, and I'll ask the commodore to jump in, we're doing a number of things in parallel. We're reviewing the process, implementing the system and extending the posting period of the officers who work for Commodore Bernatchez in the JAG. She's also reviewing training and all the policies and procedures that have to do with military justice. A number of those, as she mentioned at the beginning of her statement, have already been implemented in order to respond.
There is a range of activities being done. We highlight the system because without data, we can't provide the kind of oversight and data management that the Auditor General says is lacking without all these millions of Excel spreadsheets, which we would like to get away from. The system will be fully implemented in September 2019. We will start to test it in January 2019, along with a number of other activities to change behaviour and to ensure that proper training exists and that the prosecutors and the lawyers in the system are able to conduct their duties as required of them.