Thank you.
Possibly there's a disincentive to transfer, and I acknowledge that.
We've started to work with the RCMP on a first proof of concept on how we would donate. We started with a set of 400 first aid kits that could no longer be used because of partial expiry. We issued call letters, transparently, to charitable organizations, to try to find out who was interested.
The purpose of that was for us to figure out how we might do this—figure out the policies, the incentives, and how we should set up a program. In that first stage, which we anticipate finishing by the end of this fiscal year, by March, we hope to have a better idea of how this program might work.
Then we'll go to a pilot phase. We'll try to look at how we implement it at an institutional level. Just because it works on a handful of transactions doesn't mean that it will be a good program design.
That's where we'll start to look at what it costs us to make a donation: Is this marginal to our business and not really a big deal, or is this much more of a burden and we need to think about it differently?
If the results of the pilot show that it's warranted, we'll look at making it more of a permanent program.