In spring of 2019, the commercial—or in this case it's a government.... Nevertheless, the formal request for proposals goes out. In 2020, we receive the proposals early on and we go through the bid evaluation process, which will be a major chunk of 2020. We will down-select to a couple of bidders for what we call competitive dialogue. The nature of this contract that happens adds some complexity to this particular request for proposal.
Then the idea is that through 2021 we're completing the negotiations, getting the approvals to award the contract in 2022. We have tried to be very judicious and not have too risky a schedule to try to achieve some of that, but from the bids until the signing of the contract is where we've given ourselves two years for the competitive dialogue, the final negotiations, the various approvals we need to get and the signing of the contract in 2022, with the idea of first delivery in 2025. We've shared this with all the potential bidders, and they're comfortable with that approach, sir.