There are a couple of questions there. I'll leave one for Ted to elaborate on.
We do agree with the Auditor General's recommendation. In fact, we had started some work on this ourselves, but this has given us extra impetus to move it forward quickly.
We do believe we provide the Department of Finance and Treasury Board with proper statistics. They're good. As Ted said, they take those as being revenue earned by audit and factor it into their fiscal projections about what might come forward.
I think we're fine from that perspective, but we do agree with the AG when they say it's incomplete and that there's something that happens after that. We are looking for a better way to explain this to people in a way that's not confusing but is transparent.
On that, point taken. We're looking for something.... I actually think it's an important exercise not only to tell Canadians but for us to understand better what's happening and how we can improve.
On the tracking, we have spent a significant amount of the new money that has been given to us for increased compliance. There's always a debate about how one takes that incremental amount and separates it from the rest. We believe we have a good methodology, but we're certainly open to looking at it in more detail. On that methodology, I'll let Ted give a very brief elaboration.