I mentioned that, in 2011, when we reduced our budget, our computer platforms and tools were stable. However, since that time, the entire industry and all the suppliers' ways of doing things have evolved exponentially. For example, cloud computing did not exist in 2011. We could not predict that.
All those things are changing. So we are facing new policies concerning, among other things, data integrity, automation and information technology security. We have to adapt to that. Those new developments have all appeared over the past few years. In the presentation, we pointed out that the increase in government spending was increasing our challenges. The complexity of business models and financial tools used by the entities subject to our financial audits is a phenomenon that has been around since 2011 and that is changing the environment. In 2017, the Auditor General said that the breaking point had occurred and that, if no measures were implemented, performance audits would need to be reduced.