Mr. Chair, again on the information sharing, can we do it better? Absolutely.
I think it's important to understand, too, with investigations at what point somebody is charged. You have to understand the way the processes work within those cases. Somebody has had a criminal records check and they're negative. Then the person engages in criminal activity and is charged, whether by the RCMP or another police force within Canada. There's an ongoing investigation, which may or may not be complete by the time the person goes to citizenship. The person can stay in a charged stage for a while, until they go to court obviously, or are convicted or dismissed, or whatever the results may be. Within this we are still compelled by the various legislation.
Now, I know there's concern about when information is shared. I bring you back to my comment with respect to there being two issues: whether we know and we haven't shared information, or we don't know so that we can't share. It's unfair to expect that law enforcement is going to target anybody of a different nationality. It goes against our policy framework on unbiased policing. It goes against the human charter of rights if we ask everybody what their status is. So you have to understand that as well. If we were doing that, we'd be audited for doing what we shouldn't be doing. You have to look at that perspective. Yes, we are trying to ensure the safety of Canadians, but we have to do it within the parameters that we're given.
If we are aware that a person is an applicant, whether they've told us or because we know through another means, or there's a discussion with IRCC, and we know we have information that we need to share, there is a process in place to do that. Even if we can't share, there's a conversation that can take place.
I think the issue, and what the committee, with all due respect, is looking for, is assurances that every effort will be made to share that information. We accept the recommendation within the action plan, and work is ongoing within that memorandum of understanding with IRCC. Those concerns, I think, you will find addressed when that MOU is clarified and specifically states what's required, when it's required, and how it will happen.
At present the MOU doesn't reflect that. It reflects that sharing will take place, but it leaves it open-ended and probably the misconception that it's just a free flow of information. I think all things have to be taken into consideration with regard to that.