I would just like to say that your concerns are well founded. It's precisely because of all that you've just layed out that the minister has launched this review. You're exactly spot on with your points. That's why the minister wanted to make sure that we actually get the best evidence we can from across all of the realms, from the medical experts and the producers, going into the price points and the strains that you've mentioned, as well as the beneficiaries. Obviously, we cannot meet with all the beneficiaries, but with a select group, to understand the various perspectives as we try to figure out how to move beyond this guideline that was put in place in 2014, and how to normalize this to ensure that there is not an unintended consequence of making the health worse for the veterans, and indeed supporting the physicians for the well being of those veterans.
This is precisely why we're working on this. We've been working, and as I mentioned before, we just had a summit of all the veterans associations here in Ottawa recently, to educate the community in terms of the kinds of points you just mentioned.
I will just ask Michel Doiron and Dr. Courchesne if they could wade in. I don't have the numbers on me with regard to 16, 17, or 18.
Over to you, Michel.