That's the conclusion I came to, and it bothered me because it left me with less to get riled about, which is what I do.
Let's tease that out a bit. Again, it seems as if we're often playing a game of gotcha, when at the end of the day the ultimate goal of public accounts and the Auditor General is to change behaviour so we don't have any necessity for gotcha.
Let me move to another area. You just got off the hook for a whole host of things; otherwise, you'd be dancing right now.
I had a lot of sympathy for the fact that a lot of it was out of your control. In the limited time I have left—and I'll get another chance later—the other priority I want to talk about is safety. You raise it in the report, and I've heard what you said about it, but I want to take one step back from safety and approach it this way.
[ Technical difficulty—Editor]