I want to deal with the succession issue. From a background of owning a building company, I think in terms of blueprints and of step one, step two, step three. This is for any of you, I suppose, but perhaps the Auditor General could begin. I tend to view my time here observing a lot of political influence. If there's an elephant in the room, that's what it is; when it gets to the political level, in many cases these are patronage appointments. These are people who eat, drink, and breathe the same ideology as the current government. Maybe I'm dead wrong. We're trying in a way to be correct about making sure they have the required skill sets.
Don't get me wrong in the sense that incompetent individuals would be appointed, but I want to be candid with you, if I can. Again, use your own discretion on whether you want to answer or not.
In your experience over time with this, and considering that it seems to me that perhaps a better approach from that step-by-step process would be putting time limits on ministerial staff and ministers to make decisions, and getting people in place on a timely basis, that's one of the major criticisms.
I have anecdotal personal knowledge of someone who was trying to find out whether he would be reappointed and kept saying he needed to know to plan his life, spent an extra year, and then suddenly found himself not being told. I'm not going to bring up names or situations or anything like that, but that's the reality. I know the situation.
That's a broad thing to state, but what are the political realities that you can share with us that could make it better, from your point of view? I'm not expecting overnight change in any particular government not wanting to have control politically of these appointments, but if there were a step by step process, if ministers had a deadline they had to decide by, would that help?