I suggest as part of my reply I will table with the committee the existing guidance dated April 2014. It's entitled “Guide to Departments on the Management and Reporting of Horizontal Initiatives”.
As I said earlier, I genuinely believe that this becomes a solid starting point upon which to complete our response to the AG, the ideas that we will use to refine and hone existing guidance, in specific consultation with partners, to make sure our expectations are crystal clear with respect to the utilization of resources and reporting.
The guidance as it stands now specifies roles and responsibilities for lead departments. It talks about coordinating the MC and the TB process. It provides instruction on coordinating the collection and validation of financial and performance information. It is clear about the reporting requirements through part III of the estimates. Partner departments, likewise, have expectations laid out there. We have templates in their guidance that lay out what is to be costed, broken out by votes from Parliament—