At Treasury Board Secretariat the process by which we promulgate guidance or Treasury Board policies is based on engagement with our stakeholders, with the departments actually delivering the programs, so that we can satisfy ourselves that the guidance, the policy, is meeting a real need and is something that can be implemented by departments. The approach going forward will take the guide that we are going to be building from, which was developed in 2014. I mentioned there are 29 horizontal initiatives right now. We're going to engage with those departments and clarify with them what parts of that guidance are clear and should remain intact, and what elements might require further refinement or greater detail in order to provide the interpretation that departments need.
That process of consultation and engagement is the starting point for us. Subsequent to that, within the secretariat, we work across our different policy centres. There is the office of the comptroller general, our human resource function, and of course, the president's office, to make sure that the remedy we're proposing, the way forward, is consistent with other priorities and other activities in the secretariat so that we are not working at cross purposes to each other.
Then, upon release or promulgation of the guidance, it's a question of the elements of training and ongoing education involved because the people we consult with in the summer could be in a new job next spring, so we need to continually engage with departments. We do that through a variety of fora. We have WebEx town halls, where we can broadcast messages across the country. We have regular calls with communities, specific practitioners. In my case, I deal closely with the chief financial officers and the deputy chief financial officers. We would educate and inform through that process.