I think our relationship with the U.S. is evolving and growing every day. One of the by-products of beyond the border in the AG's report is that we have 16 departments and agencies in Canada that were involved in this initiative. That was matched by a dozen agencies and departments south of the border. They clear out the top layers of the senior management, but many of the contacts we have engaged with over the past three or four years on this initiative are still in place. We're talking to people on a daily basis on general matters. We're sharing information on a daily basis.
I think that beyond the border in the AG's report looked at an initiative that started in 2011. It was intended to wrap up in 2014. Some of the big showstopper initiatives, like entry-exit and pre-clearance, required more time. I'm interested in the retrospective. On going forward, you could probably ask people in question period and get a better answer.