I appreciate that and I hear what's being said.
I am still not clear on how this works. I would still prefer.... I mean, how can we not be clear on who the deputy minister is? I mean usually there's one minister, one deputy minister, and then a series of ADMs. Now we have an associate deputy minister. Personally, I'd still like to have a clarification as to exactly what that role is. Is it 100% the same? Is there a legal technicality in terms of who is the actual accounting officer? My understanding is that there can only be one at a time. Maybe we have a hybrid here. I am listening to what's being said, and I'm trying to process it the same as everyone else.
I'll go this far. I would still feel better if we adjourned this meeting, and if you, Chair, with the assistance of us vice-chairs if you wish it, sit down with them to clarify what an associate deputy minister is, whether that meets our satisfaction as being the accounting officer, and then schedule this forward. It may be that we need both, or one, or either, but I don't know. I think I need to know who's legally accountable, which is the whole point of the motion.
My motion stands, Chair, and if we need to get clarification on qu'est-ce que c'est an associate deputy minister, let's do that too.