That's a completely understandable, good way to look at it.
Now, that's for doing repair work on your piece of equipment. For us, to do life-cycle costs, it's not just the repair work. We do track repair costs, but when we get into the full life-cycle costs, it means the operation of that piece of equipment. In Vice-Admiral Lloyd's case, I have a major ship; it's going to have 100 different systems—weapons, technology, computers, propulsion, engines. For me to track the full life-cycle cost, I have to track the operating costs of 100 different systems on that ship. If I have five sailors running that ship, how do we attribute the cost to the engine, to the weapons system, to the radar system, etc?
In terms of repair and maintenance and support, that part, as I said in my remarks, is probably easier for us to do. The harder part is how to track the operating cost and attribute it to specific pieces of equipment or a specific system on a ship, for example.