One of the key areas that clearly we have to have visibility on is our spend. If we use the budget that the navy is provided as an example, now that we're able to leverage the financial aspects of DRMIS, using these tools, I can now give you visibility into our spend across a number of activities.
We've broken the navy up into various business lines, and now we have visibility into our spend. It's not in accordance with your vote or whether it's personnel or it's reserve, but what are the activities that you're spending money on? Now that you have visibility with respect to where your spend is, you can then see if it actually maps to your priorities.
One of the things that we firmly believe is that if you want to understand an organization's priorities, you track the money. Now we're tracking the money to make sure that it aligns with the overall navy's priorities, and we need to scale that across the department.
We have learned a significant amount over the last two years with respect to performance measurement, and we've now been able to scale it, not only from our financial but into our materiel and our personnel and training. We're continuing to make consistent progress with respect to those initiatives.