I apologize, I was just reaching across to find out if we had the exact numbers of where we are right now. I don't have that exact number, unfortunately. That was a failing on my part. I should have had it handy. I will undertake to come back specifically with an accurate number of where we are.
I can tell you right now that the actual numbers we have are 56,232 of what we call “trained effective strength”. That's the number I have in the hopper who can go on a mission today, at a moment's notice.
In there as well, we have a basic training list. Those are the people who have yet to reach their occupational ready point, if you will. There are approximately 6,400 of them. On top of that, we have another 1,500 of our members who are on the supplementary patient holding list. These are men and women who at this point are suffering from an injury. They might have a broken leg and they're recovering, so they can't yet deploy.
Those are the numbers. I'm giving you those numbers in terms of context of where we are in terms of the shortfall that we're aware of. What I don't have is the difference between last year and the year to date. That's what I'll undertake to get to you.