Chair, let me try to answer.
There are two parts to the question, I would propose. The first is, do we have an appropriate policy that sets forth how many units we should have, what are the operational requirements, and who in the military should be getting housing, and so forth? That exercise is under way. From that perspective, Chair, we need to do a better job and define that policy, which will provide the road map that I suggest the member is thinking about.
The other perspective is in terms of not the policy but the property management aspect. The Auditor General, in addition to policy issues, has talked about some of what I'll call property management issues. There we need to do a better job of collecting information on the condition of the housing, and so forth, a better job of providing a work plan to address the condition, and also a better job of providing funding more up front so the housing agency can do a better job. That work is under way as well.
I would suggest that from a policy point of view, we have to do a better job from the property management point of view. We are making strides and doing a much better job.