Thank you, Mr. Jones.
Mr. Chair, I can assure you that the agency has plans in this regard. We agree with the Auditor General's recommendations on what needs to be improved. We are going to ensure that we meet the future needs of the agency through a detailed plan and with all of the necessary resources.
I want to point out that we do meet current needs. Over the past four or five years, we invested a lot of money throughout this portfolio. The lack of adequate planning that was mentioned concerned future needs. That issue will be settled as soon as we have defined our operational needs. We will adjust our plans accordingly.
Currently, the agency is developing specific plans for each of its sites, plans that include the condition of each house. We are aware of the condition of each of the dwellings. Our system has just been completely updated. And so we have no doubts about the information we have on each home and on what needs to be done. This plan will be adjusted in future so as to reflect new operational needs.